Ok...Ok...So I know at least one of you has been anxiously awaiting my new post (dianne). So here it is...(just for you, d, bc i miss you so much).
I've found that this new life I have begun has felt somewhat bittersweet. It's hard when you're old friends are SO wonderful, but the new ones you're making are equally as great. It's so hard to go from living life with people to catching up over a phone conversation maybe once a month. So, as nature has it, we begin to live life beside new people. And as you go through your daily routine the people who walk beside you are the one's that are going to know you the best at that point.
Life is changing. Everyday I'm learning something new about myself, about my God, and about people in general. Lately the Lord has been teaching me to be exactly where I'm at. I have a natural tendency to get ahead of myself. But, recently I've learned to rest in the day, to not get ahead of myself, and to allow the Holy Spirit to work through me in what He has before that day. Oh, I have big dreams and just because I'm resting in the day doesn't mean that I'm giving up on my future. But each day the Lord gives me a glimpse of His vision. And as long as I rest secure that where He has me at this very moment is exactly where I'm supposed to be, then I am being obidient to His calling for today.
We are growing up. Friends are walking down the isle, seeing life form inside them, buying houses, moving to california... I think somewhere along the way I tricked myself into thinking I lived in "neverland", where we'd never grow up, and things would always stay the same, and the worse thing that could happen would be our daily battle with captain hook, but as luck would have it, each day goes by faster than the one before and one day we'll have grandkids and look back and think where did the time go?
Make the most of each day. Time goes by so quickly, but at the end of my life, how close or far away that might be, I want to know that I lived each day to it's fullest and that He was glorified in it all.
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6 years ago