well, dana got married.
And ava is getting bigger.
I just got done packing for camp. We leave in the morning and the destination is Panama City Beach. We're taking our youth down there for Cenrifuge camp. I hear it's fun...so we'll see!? I just thought I would update whoever still reads these (i do).
I feel like there's just been too much happening lately, that I don't even know how to start writing about the depths of me. I want to be vulnerable, but it seems way too hard lately. So, friends that really know me, maybe you could slap me around a bit, remind me of who i am, and then go about the rest of life. Please?! Gosh, this sounds more like a desperation call then a blog...so maybe I should stop.
Love and blessings.
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6 years ago
if we still lived 6 houses apart and walked to class together every day i'd give you a big slap....i mean in the nicest way possible...but i just can't quite reach your face from here. oh well. hopefully someone closer can handle the job. weewee, truth = you know community is only good when vulnerability is present. you can't hide too long.
I feel like your decision to stay in nashvegas was slapping yourself in the face. I've seen a noticable difference in you and I'm glad to have the real Lele back. I love you! I'm so excited to see what God will do through you as you trust Him more with your dreams!
you looked absolutely beautiful at dana's wedding. so great to see you!
so dana got married?!?! and you look HOT!! YOu rock LELE!! Dont forget that!
so hey girl.. is the move a definite or what???
i am getting depressed about the move. dont do it!
yeah! come be my friend in bham, we can sit on curbs and chat for hours!
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