"Whether it be a lakeside retreat or the journey of life, our expectations are our greatest obstacle to union with God in the present moment. It is Jesus who writes all the lines, all the words and all the letters of our lives. Do I really know what is best for me? My vision is so short-sighted, my horizon so limited. Surrender is a practical application of a confession- what we pray each day in the Lord's prayer, "Thy will be done." Abandonment is the triumph of trust in our lives."
I've been having trouble lately with confussion. I've been so confused about life, my vocational calling, my location, etc. When I read the exert above from Brennan Manning it freed me so much, because it reminded me of what trust is all about. "Do I really know what is best for me?" No! Of course not! But I trust in the soveriegnty of God and knowing that "He will direct my paths." To abandon my ideas for myself, my desires, and to allow His way to lead me on to victory over confusion is something to be grasped today.
I do trust Him and I love Him the most.
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