So...I must say...I'm sorry to all my fellow OC watchers, such as han, rach, bill, D, jen and MC...but I must say either this season is SUPER disappointing or it's jut not the same with out you girls and Johnny Carino's.
So, alas, I've found myself another television addiction...LOST. It's amazing! If you haven't seen it, tun in! It comes on Wed. nights at 8 on ABC. There's a family here that tivo's it and then a bunch of us twentysomethings go over to their house and watch it. Lots a fun! I think it's the people you're with that make it so enjoyable!
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. *激安 Alisister 原宿幾何形状ロンパース男性のためのメンズ 3d
6 years ago
mine is totally grey's anatomy. hands down.
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