Hey Friends!!
Just want to update you on whats going on in my world, and how maybe you can help spread the love of Christ to children over seas.
I work for a non-profit organization called Operation Christmas Child. Every year we collect over 8 million shoe boxes full of unused toys and other items to send to children in countries all over our world!! Collection week is coming up Nov. 14-21st and I just couldn't not use this opportunity to spread the word.
You can help!! All you need to do is find an old shoe box (or a plastic box from wal-mart thats about the size of a shoe box) and fill it with toys and other items and take it to a drop off location near you. Each box will get sent to a child in a foreign country, along with a gospel message in their language. If you go to www.samaritanspurse.com it will give you a list of suggested items and also has a zip code locator, so you can type in your zip and find the closest place to drop off your box. Seriously guys, you have no idea the difference this tiny little shoe box can make in a child's life, especially a child that has nothing. I just want to encourage all of you to do at least one shoe box!!
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6 years ago
that's a really good idea! i think i may just do one! hope you're well, cutie patootie.
sign me up!
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