Andrew Peterson, Mindy Smith, Pierce Pettis, Phil Medeira, Ron Block, Sandra McCraken, Derek Webb, Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn...Andrew Osenga (formerly of The Normals), Ben Shive, Cason Cooley, and many others.
It was the "Behold the Lamb of God" tour at The Ryman...and it was one of the MOST amazing worship/musical experiences of my life. The Lord's presence was heavy through the music and it was UNBELIEVABLE!!
Just an FYI- it will be in Trussville, AL on Dec. 18th and I think anyone who reads this should go! Seriously, GO!
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6 years ago
I was there!! I saw you on the way!! I agree... AMAZING!! I am buying the CD today!
sounds incredible... where in Trussville??
i can't wait for this weekend EITHER!!!!! new years eve 2k6 nashvegas baby!!
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