It was a great night! I wish I had taken more pictures!! Thanks to everyone who was able to come! and to those who weren't there...know that you were missed!
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6 years ago
so sad I missed it, love you Leland
bill.... i wish you could have been there too. i missed you. so so fun. miss you bad. love you much.
Hey lele!!
I spent the weekend with Mrs. Shropshire and she told me all about the blogging of everybody, so going from blog to blog, I ended up on your's!! How fun! Please email me! would love to catch up!
im worried about that top picture.
im trying to plan a nashville trip real soon. i'll ket you know details when they are concrete.
Lele!!! those are from ridiculous amazing. i miss you! let me know when you're coming to visit, sooner than later. we're planning another nashville trip in the spring, can't wait!
yeah for parties...let me know when the next one rolls around! Hope life is good in nashvegas!
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