Ok...so I've had David Gray's new album for a while now...and I've loved it from the moment I bought it, like always with him. I'm kind of obsessed. He's probably one of my favorites. I know..I know...it's always so mellow, but that's how I roll! HA! I like mellow music, and that's just me.
Seriously, if you don't have this album yet, and I hope you all already have it and will leave a comment that says something like..."stupid, lele, don't you know we've had it for forever and we're already tired of it." To which I'd say..."how can you ever get tired of David Gray?!?!?!?" He just never grows old to me.
Sorry. This seems like quite an impersonal blog. And to be honest, it is. I have LOTS to tell. I think I'm just putting it off because it'll be a forever long blog.
But how bout a brief summary:
God is at work (duh!). But, wow! He's moving! It's exciting to see Him stir up the hearts of His people here in Nashville, TN to go out to the nations, all nations, and proclaim the truth that He is King! He is good! He is LOVE! He is Savior! AHH!!! He's so good!! AMEN!?!?!?!???? Gosh...I want to start praying right now! I think I will! Ok...done...I'll post more soon! Just know this, friends, life found in Him is exciting!
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6 years ago
gurrrl, i agree with you about david. and he's HOT! gotta love him!
big fan of The One I Love on his latest album... good stuff.
you got any other new tunes people should hear??
of course... this has been the only thing in my cd player for a week and a half. im totally obsessed. its amazing. and then i get on here and you have written about it. of course...
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