Last night I went to bed around midnight. My sister and I share a king size bed when we're both home. It's really nice because it's so big I don't even notice she's on the other side. I"m pretty sure last night I was sleeping really well and having a really nice dream, but then I was rudely awoken at 3am to the ceiling in our room CRASHING DOWN ON US!!! It basically fell right on top of my sister. She began screaming, so then I started screaming (it seemed like the natural thing to do while covered in ceiling rubble). My little brother, Jack, came running in scared that someone had broken into the house and was attacking us (what a hero!). The strong little man helped us out of the rubble and offered to let us sleep in his room. Last night at 3, I have to admit I was a little pissed, but now I think it's really funny!
Here are some pictures of the fun event of the night...
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6 years ago
holy crap! and horray for blogging! and horray for nashville!!!!
oh my gosh! that is hysterical! i laughed a good bit.. mostly just b.c i could hear and imagine you screaming!
so uhh.. i would just like to refer you back to your earlier post.. come on girl.. share whats going on with ya.
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