When I wrote my last blog a couple of weeks ago I had no idea I really would be living with a boy 6 months from then! Wow! I'm engaged! Holy moly!! This is one of the most exciting, stressful, anxious, in between, seasons of life I've ever experienced. I think I've shed more tears, some good some bad, in the last two weeks than I have in years!
Yesterday we booked our honeymoon to Maui, and honestly, that's the one thing that keeps me going when I think about how stressed out I feel right now. I can't wait to go to Hawaii and relax on one of the most beautiful beaches in the WORLD! Plus, I've never been on a "real" vacation in pretty much my whole life (when I was a kid we would go to the beach, which counts, but not really).
SO, all that to say, I'm SUPER excited to be a wife! But I am SUPER stressed (mainly bc of sandy)! And we're getting married on January 3, 2009! WOO HOO!! So, make plans to be there because it's going to be a PAR-TAY! Motown music, dancing, eating, celebrating! F-U-N!
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6 years ago
hey! i took the liberty to click on over from emily's blog...i thought i would say 'congrats' one more time. AND tell you to hang in there...engagement is soo exciting but is truthfully a really,really hard season (or at least it was for us)...but be encouraged....it doesn't last forever and the blessings on the other side are so great it makes it all worth it. and remember, even if everything doesn't go perfectly or if all the details don't get done, at the end of the day you will be husband and wife and THAT is all that matters! :)
Yea!! I'm so excited for you. I'm sorry things are stressful. I hope you are able to enjoy it, though. A honeymoon to Maui!! I'm pumped I'm pretty sure I will be able to come. I don't know about Kelly though, she is due Christmas Day. But she could very well pull it off. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
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