Monday, October 20, 2008

7 Random Things

I've been tagged, by my friend Ann to post 7 random/and or weird things about myself. So, here it goes...

1. I've never broken a bone. That's right, never, not even a finger or a toe.
2. I love pumpkin flavored stuff. Pumpkin spice latte's from starbucks, pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee in the mornings, pumpkin pie, etc.
3. I want to write a book. I've always hoped that at some point in my life I would write a book and it would be published. I'll keep you updated on that. :)
4. I want to adopt a child one day. Eric does too, so that's a good thing!
5. My favorite pen to write with are the new sharpie pens (thanks emily for making me aware!)
6. I love my planner! Especially these days! I think I might be completely lost with out. Check out the new planner I might order soon!
7. Last but not least, cranberries are my new favorite snack. I have kidney problems so it's a good thing I like to eat cranberries bc it helps with the pain.


Larissa Westerfield said...

remind me to talk to you about the last one

Jen Clapp said...

Where do you get the Sharpie pens? I've been looking for them...maybe I'm just not sure what the packaging looks like?