So this won't be a long post. I just wanted you all to know what I'm reading and how AMAZINGLY impactful it is! Every time I start to read this book tears stream down my face and I feel so blessed to be entering into a life long season called marriage. As the feelings overwhelm me I pray with the deepest sincerity that during the rough spots along the way the Lord will gently remind me of being overwhelmingly blessed to be a part of His journey of marriage for Eric and I.
Here's just one quote (or thing I've underlined :)) of many...
"Primarily what keeps us seperate is our sin, but there is also another factor, which is that in each one of us the holiest and neediest and most sensitive place of all has been made and is reserved for God alone, so that only He can enter there. No one else can love us as He does, and no one else can be the sort of Friend to us that He is."
The Mystery of Marriage
Mike Mason
I guess what I'm learning most of all, is that as much as I want to be the perfect wife and mother, I can't, but every day I have the responsibility of leaning on the One who can. The One who can love deeper than me, and be more patient than me, and be more selfless than I could ever strive to be. He will do it because He has to. He will do it because I can't.
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6 years ago
Hey friend! Those are some good, true quotes you posted about marriage! Just wanted to tell you that I tagged you to post 7 random things about yourself. Go to my blog for more info. As if you have lots of extra time these days while you're planning a wedding!
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