I haven't blogged in a while. I'm not completely sure of the reason for my absence from the cyber-world, except I've recently been reading a lot of other people's blogs. I'm going to let you in on a secret, but you have to promise not to think I'm some sort of weirdo, ok? You promise? I've been coming across blogs of people that I don't know, but am somehow connected to, either from a friend of a friend, or a relative, or something. I've been so intrigued by their stories, and the theme I've come across all of them has been that of suffering. They are all blogs by people that have endured a loss; either the loss of a child, or a loss of what life used to be, but they are now in the midst of suffering. I've gotten caught up in their stories. There are two main blogs I've been reading and both of them have recently said they're not sure why they write and are so honest except that there's something to be said for getting out all of those raw emotions. They both testify to the faithfulness of God and through their suffering they have understood Him more.
I cannot say that I have ever endured the kind of suffering as these women. Their losses are something I can't even begin to fathom. I am amazed at their testimonies. In the midst of their suffering they've both testified to crying out to God in anger and asking Him, "Why?!?!" And they both testify to the fact that God loves them enough to let them. He doesn't condemn them and say "how dare you ask me that?! who do you think you are!?" Instead He gently speaks to their hearts and says that He understands.
We all have our battles. And in our own hearts none is greater than another's. It's comforting for me to know that in the midst of what seems so tiny in comparison, there is a God who understands.
Thank you to those who continue to share their suffering to the world. It reminds us all of the grace and mercy endured on the cross.
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6 years ago
I love the new background!!! Looks great!! I too follow peoples blogs who have no idea I even exist...crazy. Do you think God knew blogs would happen;)
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